
External Building Maintenance

To ensure the longevity of a paint system that is exposed to extreme elements, regular inspections should be carried out and general maintenance made to any areas that are damaged or under stress. There are several key things to look for when preparing a surface for repainting:•   Is there mould present? A quick wash with water…Read more

Luxury living with Panoramic views

2018 was a huge year for us when it came to massive projects all on the go at the same time. Panorama Residences at Carrara was just one of these projects.   With expansive 360 degree views to the Gold Coast City skyline and across to the Hinterland, Panorama Residences comprises of 39 x 2…Read more

Decorative Employee Workshops

Decorative Employee Workshops.. From time to time our staff get together for decorative workshops where they get the opportunity to learn and explore new techniques, to apply multiple products to achieve a custom new finish, the chance to play with products they may not get exposure to daily, and time to share ideas with each…Read more

Exterior Timber & Decks

With summer almost over now is the time to consider that necessary maintenance to bring your exterior timber back to life. Regular maintenance is important to extend the life of your existing timber, especially in the harsh climate we live in and to keep it looking fresh and new.    Timber that has been left…Read more

Coffee Shop Elegance

Formerly the historic Myer building on the corner of Old Cleveland Rd and Cavendish Rd, Coorparoo Square has been transformed into Brisbane’s newest transport orientated development. Kivahan – Experience Coffee has been added to this new development and we had the privilege to add elegance to an already beautiful shop. Kivahan was named after the…Read more