External Building Maintenance

To ensure the longevity of a paint system that is exposed to extreme elements, regular inspections should be carried out and general maintenance made to any areas that are damaged or under stress.

There are several key things to look for when preparing a surface for repainting:
•   Is there mould present? A quick wash with water will not remove spores or small particles, a chemical treatment is required. Moulds can regrow underneath new paint films popping them off the surface.
•    Is the surface chalky or dirty? Proper cleaning involves both washing and rinsing. Cleaning solutions bind up dirt and small particles so that they are washed away from the surface, rather than just moved around.
•   Are there old sealants and puttys? Failed sealants and puttys should be removed and replaced with new materials. Adhesion tests should be carried out on any previously painted areas. • Are there cracks, loose render or exposed rebar? If your building is in a seaside location these are some of the issues you can be faced with. These issues need to be dealt with quickly as allowing water ingress will increase the amount of damage and therefore repair work needed. Wind driven rain, especially with a high salt content erodes the weather protection of the building.

Mermaid Beach Surf Club – Before
Mermaid Beach Surf Club – After

External paint coatings don’t last forever, and recoating must be carried out routinely to maintain decorative and weather-resistant properties. How long external paint will last depends on the:
•   quality of surface preparation and condition of the old paint. Paint will last better when the old paint is still in a reasonably sound condition and the surface is well prepared for the new paint
•   quality of the paint used. Typically, you get what you pay for – extremely cheap paints are likely to deteriorate faster than better quality (more expensive) paints
•   amount of sun shining on it – paint on the side of a building that gets less UV light exposure and will last longer than paint on a full exposed side
 •   colour – lighter colours tend to last longer than darker because they absorb less heat, so expand and contract less
•   size and type of material under the paint.  Paint properly applied to cement-based materials tends to last longer than paint on timber
•   cleanliness of the painted surface – wash down often to remove airborne chemicals and dirt from the surface
•   number of coats applied
•   underlying colour – applying a dark colour directly over a light one can cause a previously sound paint to lose adhesion because of the higher surface temperature.

If your building’s exterior needs a fresh coat of paint, finishing, cleaning or re-sealing contact us for a free non-obligation quote now.

Luxury living with Panoramic views

2018 was a huge year for us when it came to massive projects all on the go at the same time. Panorama Residences at Carrara was just one of these projects.


With expansive 360 degree views to the Gold Coast City skyline and across to the Hinterland, Panorama Residences comprises of 39 x 2 storey terrace homes and 26 x single storey garden villa apartments.


This project for us consisted of both all external and all internal paint work. Total job included 2 apartment buildings and 5 town house buildings.



Decorative Employee Workshops

Decorative Employee Workshops..

From time to time our staff get together for decorative workshops where they get the opportunity to learn and explore new techniques, to apply multiple products to achieve a custom new finish, the chance to play with products they may not get exposure to daily, and time to share ideas with each other.


By holding regular workshops this keeps our staff up to date with the latest decorative trends and allows them to become familiar with new products being released.


During this time we encourage everyone to mix products together to see how they blend, layer, and set using different tools to achieve different affects.


Some of the samples staff created at our last workshop.



Exterior Timber & Decks

With summer almost over now is the time to consider that necessary maintenance to bring your exterior timber back to life. Regular maintenance is important to extend the life of your existing timber, especially in the harsh climate we live in and to keep it looking fresh and new.


Timber that has been left untreated will suffer from various issues that include not only fading, but also splintering, some can even rot. Most of these issues can be solved if they are treated in time.


If your exterior timber needs maintenance, finishing, sanding, cleaning, or re-coating contact us for a free non-obligation quote now.